
mercredi 4 mai 2016

Giveaway - Maja Design

Bonjour à toutes,

Aujourd'hui c'est à mon tour de vous proposer de gagner la nouvelle collection de papier de Maja Design : Vintage Romance.

Hello Sweeties

Today I have a giveaway for you and you can win the new Maja Design paper collection: Vintage Romance

Voici une page réalisée avec cette collection que je vous ai présenté le 1er mai sur mon blog ici et sur le blog de Maja Design .

Here is the page that I created with this collection and that I showed you May 1st on my blog here and on Maja Design blog  there.

Et un petit aperçu d'une autre

And a sneak peek of another

Pour gagner la nouvelle collection de Maja Design « Home for the Holidays », il vous suffit de :
1. Suivre mon blog (à l'aide de blogger, bloglovin ou par email si ce n'est pas le cas)
2. Suivre le blog de Maja Design (par email)
3. Aimer la page Facebook de Maja Design (ici)
4. et utiliser le Inlinkz pour ajouter votre nom ci-dessous.

J'aimerai bien savoir ce que vous penser des papiers Maja Design, alors laisser un petit mot dans ce senq. :)

To stand a chance to win this giveaway, you have to:
1. Become a follower of my blog (subscribe via blogger, bloglovin or email if you're not)
2. Become a follower of the Maja Design blog (subscribe via email)
3. Like Maja Design on Facebook (here)
4. And link your name on the link below.

I would really appreciate reading your thoughts about Maja papers so that would be nice too. :)


10 commentaires:

  1. Oh dear...what a fabulous layout.. Saint Cosme... Love your layouts and the flowers are awesome.
    Thank you for offering a generous give-away. I would love to win. Maja papers are so brilliant. Matching colors, romantic, feminine. After visiting Maja Papers blog I fell even more in love with the papers. I saw the most famntastic layouts. And signed up of course to follow by mail. Visited Maja design on FB as well.And I was am follower of your fabulous blog for a long while.
    Thanks again. Crossing
    Hugs from Monica

  2. ohohoh très joli collection et ta page une merveille comme tout ce que tu fais d'ailleurs ! bisous

  3. This is another amazing collection. I adore all the Maja Design papers for their romantic look, shabby designs and beautiful pastel colors. The structure of the paper is just perfect for distressing. Your LO is fabulous, so romantic, soft and calm... Fingers crossed. Thank you for this chance to win :-)

  4. I follow your blog and am subscribed to MD's email list, but don't do facebook. Please consider letting me enter. Love your beautiful creations and this fantastic layout! Hugs, Autumn

  5. Pascale, you know how very much I LOVE your work and Maja Design is so lucky to have you design with their gorgeous papers! This new collection is divine! Your sneak peek looks tremendous! Can't wait to see the whole creation! Lisa :)

  6. Love Maja papers! Not readily available in my area so I have very little, but it's amazing how the comment numbers climb when I use it. Thank you for the chance to win some!

  7. Maja Design is the most wonderful pappers to scrap with! I love them! Thank you for this chance ;)

  8. Such a lovely layout for summer! I love Maja papers and wish I could get them in stores in the US instead of online. Fingers crossed - this is another lovely collection!

  9. Maja Design is my endless inspiration! I am delighted with the new collection! Thank you for the chance to win!


Merci pour vos commentaires qui font chaud au coeur.
A très bientôt