
jeudi 16 février 2017

Sweet kids - Maja Design DT

Bonjour à toutes,

Aujourd'hui je suis sur le blog de Maja Design avec une nouvelle page réalisée avec la collection Enjoying Outdoors.

Hello Sweeties

Today I'm up on Maja Design blog with a new layout featuring the Enjoying Outdoor collection. 

J'ai commencé par protéger le papier de fond avec une couche de gesso transparent. Une fois sec, j'ai vaporisé une encre sur un sac en plastic sur lequel j'ai appliqué ma page. J'ai répété le processus avec une deuxième encre: la première brune, la deuxième violette.

I started by priming the background with clear gesso. When dry, I sprayed some ink on a plastic bag, then I put my page on the plastic bag. I repeat the process twice with two different ink: one brown, one purple. 

Une fois les encres sèches, j'ai ajouté un otif à l'aide d'un pochoir et de pâte à craqueler blanche.

When the inks were dry, I added a design with a stencil and white crackle paste. 

J'ai coupé quelques papier pour mettre sous la photo.

I cut a few papers to add under the photo. 

J'ai ajouté quelque fleurs et feuilles que j'ai collé avec un gel 3D. ainsi que des Art Stones.

I added a few flowers and leaves that I glued with a 3D gel. Then I added a few Art Stones. 

Une fois tout en place, j'ai rajouté de la couleur ainsi que des tampons ici et là.

When everything wad perfectly glued, I added more color as well as some random stamping. 

Matériels / Materials:

Maja Design papers:

Flourishing bsGarden creatures bsThe great natureTags & Journaling cards bs
Flourishing bsGarden creatures bsThe great natureTags and Journaling cards bs

Other products:
  • Primary Element - ColourArte(Wild Plum);
  • Spray Ink - Lindy's Stamp Gang (Moon Shadow: Smoky Sapphire);
  • Flowers - 49 and Market (Shimmer and Shine: Jardin secret - Lilac, Fleur des champs - Ivory);
  • Stencil - TCW (Sweet Posey 6x6);
  • Stamps - Finnabair Prima (Book, Messy);
  • Art Extravagance - Finnabair Prima (White Crackle Paste, Art Stones, Mini Art Stones);
  • Art Basics - Finnabair Prima (Clear Gesso, 3D Matte Gel).


Where can you purchase MajaDesign Papers?

MajaDesign collections are sold all around the world - 33 countries and growing with new stores being added often. Are you looking for a store location that sells Maja collections? Here is a helpful Store Finder link to help you shop. If your favorite store is not on this list, consider asking them to carry MajaDesign.

4 commentaires:

  1. Coucou Pascale,
    I love the page you have created and shared with us today, the colour combination is gorgeous and I love the texture you have achieved with your clever plastic bag and ink technique, I will have to give that a try myself. I really love shabby chic style projects so together with all the fabulous layering and interest you have created with the lovely embellishments you have added, this one certainly ticks all the boxes for me.
    Warmest best wishes from France too,

  2. Oh this is GLORIOUS! You are such a phenomenal and inspirational artist! I absolutely LOVE your work!

  3. I always love to see your projects. They are so beautiful. I can look at one of your projects over and over and continue to discover new wonderfully creative details. Thank you.


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A très bientôt