
mercredi 4 avril 2018

April's cards - Maja Design DT

Bonjour à toutes,

Aujourd'hui j'ai un nouveau set de cartes pour Maja Design à vous proposer, réalisées avec la collection Enjoying Outdoors.

Hello Sweeties

Today I have a new set of cards for Maja Design to share with you, featuring the Enjoying Outdoor collection. 

Et voici le tableau d'inspiration que nous a concocé Marie ce mois-ci :

Here is the beautiful mood board that Marie created this month:

Ces cartes sont trés simple à faire. J'ai commencé par couper le papier de fond. Ensuite, j'ai collé un bout de papier et découpé un autre

The cards were really simple to make. First I chose the background paper. Next, I glued a scrap of paper and die cut another one. 

Ensuite, j'ai découpé quelques feuilels dans du papier aquarelles et je les ai coloré avec des encres vertes. J'ai collé un peu de sisal, quelques fleurs, ajouté des microbilles et voilà !

Next, I die cut some leaves in a watercolor paper and I colored them with green inks. I glued some sisal, a few flowers, the leaves, added some microbeads, and that's it.

Cette carte peut être utlisée dans les deux sens: portrait ou paysage.

This card can be used both way: Landscape or portrait.

Matériels / Materials:

Maja Design papers: 



Harvest time bs

Autumn Picnic

There is no bad weather bs

Singing in the rain bs

What a beautiful day bs

Other products:
  • Flowers - 49 and Market (Floral Mixology: Purple Rain);
  • Magical - Lindy's Gang (My Mojito Green);
  • Ink - Lindy's Gang (Silhouette Silver);
  • Die - Poppystamp (Freida Leaf); 
  • Die - Magnolia DooHickey (Summer Foliage);
  • Die - Sizzix (Mixed Media);
  • Die - Memory Box (Distressed Windham Collage)
  • Art Ingredients - Finnabair Prima (Microbeads: Berry);
  • Art Basics - Finnabair Prima (3D Gloss Gel, Soft Matte Gel).


How to participate?

♥ Create anything you’ll like – a layout, a card, something altered or maybe a canvas. Use Maja papers primarily! Take a nice picture of it and send it to We also need to know your full name, address, and a phone number. Please specify what collection you would like to win if you are the lucky one. We will also want to know if you would like it in the size 12*12 or 6*6. Please send us the pictures in the size of 800 pixels on the width. We would be so grateful if you also could change the file name of the photo to your first and last name including your country.

♥ Feel free to send us more than one picture, from different angles or some close-ups – or why not more than one project?

♥ Publish the project/s on your blog (or/and any social media, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest) with a link to our site. Please also add the image of the mood board.

♥ Feel free to combine your entry with other challenges.

♥ The winner will be revealed the last Monday each month, at the Maja blog. The winner will be sent one collection by their choice, and also a digital Winner’s Badge to use and brag with.

2 commentaires:

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A très bientôt