
mercredi 18 avril 2018

Imagine - Lindy's Gang and StencilGirl Blog Hop

Bonjour à toutes,

Aujourd'hui je suis sur les blogs de Lindy's Gang et de StencilGirl's avec un nouveau projet: un chassis.

Hello Sweeties

Today I'm up on Lindy's Gang blog and StencilGirls blog with a new project: a canvas. 

Un heureux gagnant recevra non seulement un bon d'achat de 25 $ de Lindy's Gang, mais aussi un bon de 25 $ de StencilGirl !
Pour avoir une chance de gagner, laisser un commentaire ci-dessous.
Ensuite visiter chacun des autres blogs du " blog hop" et laisser un commentaire.
Plus vous visiter de blog, plus vous aurez de chance de gagner  !
Un gagnant sera choisi au hasard parmi l'ensemble des commentaires de tous les blogs
(un seul commentaire par blog s'il vous plaît).
Vous avez jusqu'au mardi 24 avril 23:59 Central Time (mercredi 25 avril 6h59 heure française).
Le gagnant sera annoncé sur les pages Facebbok de StencilGirl's et de Lindy's Gang Mercredi 25 avril (Jeudi 26 avril heure française).

One lucky winner will receive both a $25 Gift Certificate to Lindy’s Gang
AND a $25 Gift Certificate to StencilGirl Products!
Enter to win by leaving a comment below.
Then be sure to visit the other blogs in the hop and comment to win.
The more blogs you comment on, the more chances you have to WIN!
One winner will be chosen at random from all blog comments!
(One comment per blog please.)
You have until Tuesday, April 24th at 11:59PM Central Time to leave your comments.
Winner will be announced on
StencilGirl's Facebook page and Lindy’s Gang’s Facebook page on Wednesday, April 25.

J'ai commencé par passer une couche de gesso blanc sur le fond. Une fois sec, j'ai tamponné un design avec une encre Archival noire. Ensuite, j'ai ajouté un premier motif avec le pochoir Decorative Folk Flower Screen et de la paâte de papier. J'ai ajouté le même motif sur un morceau de carton recouvert de morceau de tissu.

First I primed the background with white gesso. When done, I stamped a design with an black Archival ink. Next, I added the first design with the Decorative Folk Flower Screen stencil with paper paste. I added the same design on a small piece of cardstock covered with linen.

Une fois la pâte de papier séche, j'ai ajouté un second motif avec le pochoir Tri-textured Sheet Metal et de gel 3D brillant. Pendant que le gel était encore humide, j'ai saupoudré deux poudres à embosser : Orbit Olive Gold et C'est la vie Cerise.

When the paper paste was dried, I added the second design with the Tri-Textured Sheet Metal stencil and 3D gloss gel. While the gel was still wet, I sprinkled two embossing powders: Orbit Olive Green and C'est la vie Cerise.

J'ai coloré le morceau de carton avec des encres avant de le coller sous le cadre en résine : c'est ma piéce centrale. Puis, j'ai commencé ma compositions autour du cadre. Une fois fini, j'ai peint tous les éléments avec du gesso blanc.

I colored the small piece of cardstock with inks before gluing it under the resin frame. This was my central piece. Then, I built my composition around the frame with the hand. When I was done, I painted all the elements with white gesso.

J'ai également ajouté des Art Stones pour combler les trous avant  d'ajouter de la couleur aux divers éléments avec des encres et des poudres Magicals.

I added also some Art Stones to fill some blank spaces before adding some colors to the various elements with different inks and Magicals. 

Pour finir la mise en page, j'ai ajouté quelques tamponnages ici et là avec un tampon texte.

To finish the layout, I added some random stamping with a text stamp. 

One lucky winner will receive both a $25 Gift Certificate to Lindy’s Gang
AND a $25 Gift Certificate to StencilGirl Products!
Enter to win by leaving a comment below.
Then be sure to visit the other blogs in the hop and comment to win.
The more blogs you comment on, the more chances you have to WIN!
One winner will be chosen at random from all blog comments!
(One comment per blog please.)
You have until Tuesday, April 24th at 11:59PM Central Time to leave your comments.
Winner will be announced on
StencilGirl's Facebook page and Lindy’s Gang’s Facebook page on Wednesday, April 25.

Blog Hop Order:

April 18

Mary Beth Shaw
Gwen Lafleur
Mary C. Nasser
Debi Adams
Tina Walker
Kate Palmer
Cindy Wille
Natalie May
Pascale B.
Anat Weksler
Elena Martynova

April 19

Belen Sotelo
Cindy Gilstrap
Kiala Givehand
Torrie Gass
Janet Joehlin
Valerie Ouellet
Aga Baraniak
Sivan Amedi
Aleksandra Mihelič
Asia Marquet
Phoebe Tonosaki
Caroline Parent

April 20

Carol Baxter
Sandee Setliff
Karen Gaunt
Louise Nelson
Sherry Canino
Kerry Fellowes
Yulianna Efremova
Kasia Bogatko-Skoczypiec
Olga Bielska
Olga Ravenskaya

Matériels / Materials:

Lindy's Gang products:

Open Arms Amethyst
Open Arms Amethyst
Jazzy Jivin' Purple
Jazzy Jivin'Purple
Long John's Silver
Long John's Silver
Shabby Turbine Teal
Shabby Turbine Teal
Orbit Olive Gold
Orbit Olive Gold
C'est la vie Cerise Embossing Powder
C'est la vie Cerise

StencilGirl products:

Decorative Folk Flower Stencil by Gwen Lafleur
Decorative Folk Flower Screen
Tri-Textured Sheet Metal Stencil by Kristie Taylor
Tri-textured Sheet Metal

Other products:
  • Flowers - 49 and Market (Basic Roses: Alabaster);
  • Stamps - 49 and Market (Flowery Tiles, 1787);
  • Archival inks - Ranger (Jet Black, Watering Can);
  • Archival Cast - Prima (Ancient Heart);
  • Mechanicals - Finnabair Prima (Flowers);
  • Art Ingredients - Finnabair Prima (Art Stones, Mega Stones, Pebbles);
  • Art Extravagance - Finnabair Prima (Paper Texture Paste);
  • Art Basics - Finnabair Prima (Heavy White Gesso, 3D Gloss Gel).

46 commentaires:

  1. I love the subtle, sweet colors. Very romantic. ~Rachel Bell bellbrzs (at) cox (dot net)

  2. Such detail! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Such a fabulous canvas! Love how all the stencils show up and the colours are so soothing! Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  4. Very very nice.... love the colors and stenciling.... ImMysteryious(at)Hotmail(dot com)

  5. Lovely. Beautiful soft colors and great textures.

  6. Stunning project, the texture created is just awesome!

  7. So nice and soft the texture ♥️♥️♥️

  8. very delicate work, i love the shabbiness and mix of grunge, totally love it.

  9. OH MY GOODNESS ... I love everything about your canvas. It's perfect in every way. Thank you for sharing.

    Happy crafting!

  10. Beautiful texture and pastel colors! (Annie)

  11. neat idea. Bailey(at)BaileyFiberArt(dot)com

  12. Interesting project! Amanda (at) meadowdance (dot org)

  13. Wow its stunning !!! Simple gorgeous layout ... love it... the depth and everything is just amazing 😍😊thank you for sharing with us

  14. Beautiful project and I love the soft colors you used. SO pretty!

  15. Incredible and elegant. Love this.

  16. This is lovely - great texture and colors!

  17. Beautiful vintage mixed media/collage! It's interesting to see how these bold colors can be subdued. Linda

  18. Great combo, SG & Lindy's. Love your project and thank you for sharing the process.
    I am in art heaven.

  19. What an awesome contrast to the project I saw before this- love the variety

  20. Fabulous project, love your colour combination! Thanks for sharing!

  21. superbe page avec un soucis du détail bravo

  22. Haven’t done much yet with shabby chic, this is inspiring me!

  23. That hand makes it a really interesting composition!

  24. Hi Pascale, wow this is beautifully stunning. I love the flowers the most, you did a great job making them look realistic.
    Thank you for adding the LIndy's products with color swatches it helps a lot.

  25. Cool composition and I like your coloring.

  26. Your layout is stunning! I love the pastel colors that you used and the texture in the background.

  27. Your layout is so ethereal.
    I love the use of the resin pieces.
    Gave me some ideas for some pieces
    I have and wasn't sure what to do
    with them. Amazing piece.
    thanks for sharing

  28. This is beautiful! I love all the layers and textures and the soft coloring. I wish there was a video.

  29. Great texture and colors. Love all the layers! Cathy Costelle

  30. I really love your work so much Pascale! So stunning! Thank you so much for sharing your inspiration!


Merci pour vos commentaires qui font chaud au coeur.
A très bientôt