
samedi 15 février 2020

Soul Whispers - A.B. Studio DT

Bonjour à toutes,

Aujourd'hui c'est une page pour A.B Studio que je propose avec une page et sa vidéo.

Hello Sweeties,

Today I have a layout I made for A.B. Studio with a step-by-step video. 

Photo by Petr Ovralov on Unsplash

Processus / Basic process:
  1. Tamponner ici et là le fond avec divers tampons et encres ;
    Stamp randomly the background with different stamps and inks; 
  2. Puis protéger le fond avec du gesso transparent ;
    Then prime the paper with clear gesso;
  3. Ajouter de la couleur au fond en accord avec la photo ;
    Add some colors to the background that match the photo;
  4. Ajouter un motif avec de la pâte de papier et un pochoir ;
    Add a design with paper paste and stencil ID-64;
  5. Saupoudrer de poudre à embosser la pâte à papier humide et
    While the paper paste is still wet, sprinkle embossing powder and heat set; 
  6. a
    Die-cut some leaves in the Future Memories and Closed Doors from the Behind Closed Doors collection;

  7. a
    Wax some resin frames already primed with black gesso with different colors;
  8. a
    Wax some green twigs as well;

  9. a
    Build your composition and glue all the elements with 3D matte gel;
  10. a
    To finish the layout, add some sequins and microbeads. 
Quelques gros plans / Some close-ups:

Et voici la vidéo / And here is the step-by-step video:

Matériels / Materials:

A.B. Studio products:

Rustical Journey
Day Without Rain

Behind Closed Doors
Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors
Future Memories

Stamp ID-208

Stamp ID-204

Stamp ID-242

Stencil ID-64

Other products:

  • Moon Shadow Mist - Lindy's Gang (Gossamer Gold);
  • Starburst - Lindy's Gang (Green with Envy);
  • Embossing Powders - Lindy's Gang (Golden Angel Wings);
  • Flowers - 49 and Market (Enchanted Petals: Parchment; Garden Petals: Parchment);
  • Die - Sizzix (Skeleton leaves);
  • Resin Elements - Prima (Square Frames);
  • Art Alchemy - Finnabair Prima (Waxes: Vintage Silk, Vintage Gold, White Gold);
  • Art Ingredients - Finnabair Prima (Microbeads set);
  • Art Extravagance - Finnabair Prima (Paper Paste);
  • Art Basics - Finnabair Prima (Clear Gesso, Black Gesso, 3D Matte Gel, Soft Gloss Gel).

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